Mission Statement

D.I.V.A.S IN CHARGE We are truly excited to announce a newly formulated Girls Organization by the name of D.I.V.A.S IN CHARGE. The name came about through the creative minds of afterschool group leaders working at University Settlement. It sends a powerful message which is what we are intending to do, Dynamic Inspiring, Vibrant, Artistic Sisters. A sorority if you will, that will be given a place to all young ladies to call their own where they will be taught important virtues that they will need in life. We are giving young girls an option, better yet a right to take charge. To be in control of my life, to take charge and accept responsibility. Every young girl, every DIVA has a voice that needs to be heard. Our mission is to create a safe and nurturing space for young girls to own their own feelings as well as their experiences. Empowering the minds of young girls to take creative risks and create without fear of being judged. Our sole purpose is to teach all young ladies of The DIVAS In Charge Club the importance of being a girl in this world, how their very existence is an essential key to unlocking the doors to life. We will be speaking and partaking in group activities that touch on subjects such as peer-pressure, bullying, social media, body image, hygiene, and friendship, when to say NO etc. If you have any questions/concerns/thoughts please feel free to email me at: divas_incharge@yahoo.com Sincerely,


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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

EOS lipbalm x3


So on July 6th I let to North Carolina w/ my 15 year old cousin to see my sister and then head out to Florida with them to celebrate my nephews 1st birthday over in Port St. Lucie FL. While my cousin Amanda and I were at the airport we stumbled upon this beauty shop at JFK airport. Now my cousins and I are fanatics when it comes to lipgloss. Like seriously that is something we waste alot of money on. It's more of a NEED than a WANT for me. I'm sorry but I can not deal with crusty looking lips. That is not attractive to me at all. So browsing threw the shelves I came upon this odd looking lipbalm. It looked interesting plus it just caught my eye. Never really seen a lip balm that looked like this. So she and I purchased it. And let me tell you, It was worth the $3.49. I love the way it applys smoothly on my lips. It does not leave a greasy sticky surface. I don't need to blot my lips. Nope none of that. I urge you to go out and purchase it. They sell these at walgreens. I am making sure to go and pick up all flavors. Try them and let me know what you think.

•Long-lasting moisture
•Shea butter & vitamin E
•Smoothes on clear
•New smooth sphere precisely glides on to lips
•Twist-off top

eos lip balm is 95% organic, 100% natural, and paraben and petrolatum free. Packed with antioxidant-rich vitamin E, soothing shea butter and jojoba oil, eos keeps your lips moist, soft and sensationally smooth.

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