Mission Statement

D.I.V.A.S IN CHARGE We are truly excited to announce a newly formulated Girls Organization by the name of D.I.V.A.S IN CHARGE. The name came about through the creative minds of afterschool group leaders working at University Settlement. It sends a powerful message which is what we are intending to do, Dynamic Inspiring, Vibrant, Artistic Sisters. A sorority if you will, that will be given a place to all young ladies to call their own where they will be taught important virtues that they will need in life. We are giving young girls an option, better yet a right to take charge. To be in control of my life, to take charge and accept responsibility. Every young girl, every DIVA has a voice that needs to be heard. Our mission is to create a safe and nurturing space for young girls to own their own feelings as well as their experiences. Empowering the minds of young girls to take creative risks and create without fear of being judged. Our sole purpose is to teach all young ladies of The DIVAS In Charge Club the importance of being a girl in this world, how their very existence is an essential key to unlocking the doors to life. We will be speaking and partaking in group activities that touch on subjects such as peer-pressure, bullying, social media, body image, hygiene, and friendship, when to say NO etc. If you have any questions/concerns/thoughts please feel free to email me at: divas_incharge@yahoo.com Sincerely,


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Monday, August 16, 2010

How to make a Vision Board !

A vision board, also called a dream board, is a collage of words and pictures depicting your dreams and goals usually specific to one aspect of your life. Vision boards have received a lot of acclaim lately because of the world-famous book, "The Secret." A vision board can set you on a path to achieving dreams and goals that may have previously eluded you. The key to a successful vision board is to post it in a place where you have to look at every day and it can serve as a constant reminder of what you are working toward.

Things You'll Need:
Cardboard or poster board

Instructions :

Gather as many magazines as you can that you are comfortable destroying. Go through each magazine looking for pictures and words that are in line with your goals. This is a fun part of the creation of your vision board. Tear out all of the pictures or words that seem relevant and place them in a pile. Keep doing this until you have a very large pile of material to choose from.

Take the pictures and words and start laying them out on your poster board or cardboard backing. Discard anything that may no longer fit or does not work. Move things around until they fit well and look right. This is also where you may want to organize your board. For instance, if you are working on your personal goals, you may place images of a house in one corner, money and credit cards in another corner, school or continuing education in another corner and then friends or hobbies in the last corner. Many people organize their boards by themes but there are others who like to place pictures all over the board rather than assigning corners. You may want to consider leaving some space to write words that you were not able to locate in the magazines and leaving a space in the center of the board.

Start gluing and taping. Turn over each picture or word and add glue or tape to secure it in place. Once you have finished getting everything into place, you can use a marker to draw words or images that you feel are important to your vision board.

Place your picture in the middle of the board and make certain that it is a picture where you are smiling and happy. This is because your smiling, happy picture will be in the center of all of your dreams and goals.

Hang your vision board in a place where you will see it every day. This should be an area in your house where you spend a lot of time or are constantly walking through. Some great locations include the back of your bedroom door, a refrigerator or a bulletin board.Looking at the board every day will cause you to always be aware of your dreams and goals.

1 comment:

  1. My older sister had made a vision board of material things she wants, marriage, house and vacations she wants to take...it was really beautiful! I plan to make one too :) --BECCA V.
