In the email please provide the following
- Your Full Name
- Age
- Date of Birth
- Location [just the state is quite fine]
- Picture
- Hobbies
- Dislikes
- Your favorite word to use and why
- A movie/book that has moved you
- What do you have faith in
Then please write a paragraph explaining why you feel that your should be nominated as one of our DIVAS OF THE MONTH. Or why the person you are referring should be nominated as one of our DIVAS OF THE MONTH. You can share a story or testimony. It's important to relate to the readers allow them to see you in a different light, highlight your positive artibutes. This is the time to shed light upon you or the lady you are nominating. This is your time to be of DIVAS IN SPOTLIGHT.
If you have been one of the two chosen for the DIVAS OF THE MONTH for that month we will alert you with an email. But remember whether you have been nominated this month or not we are all DIVAS IN CHARGE.
You will be featured on DIVAS IN CHARGE Blogsite and website.
Girls embrace your inner DIVA, work it!
-Cynthia [Head Diva]