Mission Statement

D.I.V.A.S IN CHARGE We are truly excited to announce a newly formulated Girls Organization by the name of D.I.V.A.S IN CHARGE. The name came about through the creative minds of afterschool group leaders working at University Settlement. It sends a powerful message which is what we are intending to do, Dynamic Inspiring, Vibrant, Artistic Sisters. A sorority if you will, that will be given a place to all young ladies to call their own where they will be taught important virtues that they will need in life. We are giving young girls an option, better yet a right to take charge. To be in control of my life, to take charge and accept responsibility. Every young girl, every DIVA has a voice that needs to be heard. Our mission is to create a safe and nurturing space for young girls to own their own feelings as well as their experiences. Empowering the minds of young girls to take creative risks and create without fear of being judged. Our sole purpose is to teach all young ladies of The DIVAS In Charge Club the importance of being a girl in this world, how their very existence is an essential key to unlocking the doors to life. We will be speaking and partaking in group activities that touch on subjects such as peer-pressure, bullying, social media, body image, hygiene, and friendship, when to say NO etc. If you have any questions/concerns/thoughts please feel free to email me at: divas_incharge@yahoo.com Sincerely,


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Monday, January 10, 2011

Individuality is Key

As a 21 year old woman,I look back at the times when I was 10 years old.The age when I was told I'd come in to myself, and my acne would go away and my baby fat would transform in to curves that I'll embrace at the age I am today. Half of the things were true..and some wasn't. I went through a stage where I was different from the other girls. I was into makeup before everyone and my breast were growing at a young age...I dyed my hair blue, I listened to pop when everyone was listening to rap.Class mates asked me "Why are you listening to that kind of music..your not white!" The annoying questions just kept on and on and it was so ignorant, "why do you wear makeup?", Why do you do your hair like that?" I just wanted to shout "Why the F do you give a sh*t what I'm wearing or what I'm listening to?!" It made me angry because I refused to be like everyone else, and everybody had a problem with it. So at times I would be sad because I loved who I was..I just didn't understand why people wouldn't accept it.One day this girl that I considered a friendly acquaintance asked me "why are you always wearing such bright colors?" and I looked her in her eye and I said "Because I like it, because I want to, I dress for me, not anyone else" and you know what she told me? "I wish I can do that" That's when I realize that people weren't judging me because they didn't like me, they were just mad because I was an individual, I was myself, and people noticed me,while everyone else just faded into the background.

21 years old and I still have my insecurities but I am happy with who I am and I embrace my imperfections because believe me when I say..no one is perfect..but the same way everyone has imperfections ,everyone has something beautiful about them,inside and out.

-Samantha Shines <3